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5 years ago Crypto_Investments I want to delete my account with you, because obviously I have never made a trade on here nor have I initiated a trade and that means my account was hacked, so since I am in IT I would say your security sucks...
5 years ago gonsade i can nott witdraw my money because my accoun require autenticator but i never activate the autenticator for my account, pleas helpme , anybody know if this website is still working i feel i can loose my money please help.
5 years ago gonsade i cant access to settings because i need an autenticator code but i don have it, i never had . whta can i do?
5 years ago gonsade helllo i don have an autenticator code, what can i do?
6 years ago sirandresitogx close the deal number LLLLL25614 ! buyer is already 3 months can not answer! There is no deal and I can not withdraw money from him!
CryptoEc (100% , 1) Selling 0 USD 0.00 USD LLLLL25614 2018-02-13 21:10:36
6 years ago Maximom My withdrawal has been pending for over 2 days can you atleast cancel the withdrawal so I can sell it
6 years ago sirandresitogx i need help! i have Withdraw my balance/ LTC withdrawals for your account have been disabled, please resolve any open disputes on your trades.
I have more than 3 months no response from the buyer. I hochut break the deal and withdraw my money!
6 years ago ecogroupcave buenos dias que sucede conesta pagina es una estafa
6 years ago Joy2017 i cant trade whts its happening
6 years ago Joy2017 hi traded with pauro after the dispute he paid me that was 3 weeks ago now and the dispute was canceled.

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Latest Trade: united state, 2 months ago.