Posted By: Admin 2017-12-13 - Temporary Site Issues (email sending)

Due to the surge in Litecoin popularity, we've exceeded our sent email allowance from our mail provider.

This may result in issues with resetting passwords, and in some cases issues with chat or trading (if they have any email functions).

Please do not contact us about these issues, we're working to resolve them as soon as possible.

Deposits and withdrawals are still working fine, and you can confirm our liquidity (evidence that user balances are not affected by this minor issue) at our Audit Page.

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6 years ago YangHS Oh, I found the dispute button
6 years ago YangHS Is there really a lot of users here? Why there is no dispute button for trade? Why I got no reply from contact email? Why sometimes I have login email even if I am away from keyboard?
6 years ago chahidkhan Hello , Thanks for the informations but this error caused for me 4 reports from different users , also cancelation was not working then i didnt give escrow fund cause of cancelation problem and some buyes reported me for nothing please delete reports . Thank U and Hope everything will be fixed fast .

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